About Me

This is Omid Ranjbar and I have a master’s degree in the Industrial Design. I am currently the manager of one of the modernist laboratory furniture suppliers in Iran. I got introduced to the engaging photography field at the age of seven. My first photography experience occurred with the “Kodak 110” camera which was not fulfilling for me. I started exploring and capturing my surroundings with the “Canon FTb” in my teenage years. The dazzling nature of Mazandaran, made me absolutely fond and was the inspiration of my photos. Photography made me feel alive and dynamic. Moreover, the magic of the light and the shadow made me fall in love with photography more than ever. Eventually, attending the art university and having to study this field academically, made me realize the genuine meaning behind photography. Photography has taught me that everything is constantly in transition; therefore, no todays will look like the day before or after. To sum up everything that has been stated, I truly hope to help you capture your unique moments and memories.

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